Hi Guys, let me introduce myself.
My name is Ivan, 31 years old and I'm from Croatia (that little country on the sea in ex-Yugoslavia) and I've been making music for quite some time now.
Started playing guitar at the age of 13 and playing still. Got a prog/rock/metal band and have been in electronic music since the age of 17.
First software used was Scream Tracker 3 in DOS on my first PC - a x486 dx4 overclocked at 120Mhz (fun times :D). It came on one diskette with 8 additional samples and no mouse support. New machines, new software and I ended using mostly Reason (since it's beginning). Did a lot various projects for band intros, commercials, radio shows, animations, etc...
I'm also a gaming addict (got an Atari2600 at the age of 5 and a C64 at the age of 9) and a flash animation affictionado and been enjoying free flash games for the past 2 years and I'm loving what young developers come up with.
I did some hard disk spring cleaning and I found a lot of music that never ended anywhere particularly so I decided to join NG and share those with the community hoping that someone will find some good use for them. This is my way of giving something back to the community that gave me so much fun and inspiration for no money asked whatsoever. And I've been playin'... a LOT!
I joined a few days back and been posting 2 pieces of music a day, and will continue to do so for the next few weeks until I run out of all my old material so I can start posting and creating new stuff...
The songs I'm currently posting are old at an average of 4 to 7 years. For the last 3 years I mainly played with my band and been working a whole lot on my day job so there wasn't much time for else. But now I'm getting back on digital composition, I just want to clean my music closet first so I can fill it with new goods.
Anyway... If you care, you can keep an eye out on my submissions. For every review someone writes, I'll check his profile and make sure to review back. If you're a Zero Bomber, go ahead and make my day. If you don't give me a reason for the "0" then I can only pity you, and in the end it's your loss, not mine.
Sorry for writing too much, but hopefully all this will give more perspective to the listener and make the experience more fulfilling.
R3dn4L Out. d(^_^)b